It’s been a funny summertime everywhere, it seems: record heat in the UK, cool temps in Portugal but hot as blazes elsewhere in Europe. But here in the Midwest, we’ve had a gorgeous run of fair weather, first up at Oshkosh for Airventure, and now back on the farm in Iowa.
I recall growing up that my birthday at the end of July always marked one of the hottest, humid-est days of the year. Memories of dripping sweat as I blew out candles on a cake come back—not the balmy days we’ve had so far, with temps hovering near 80 and a welcome breeze to keep the bugs away. The horses enjoy it, and so do I.
But the occasion still calls for a moment to crack open a local Iowa craft beer and reflect—reflect on a good year, with interesting travels and tales, and the promise of more bounty to come. Here in the heartland of America, a wheat ale reminds me of where I’ve been, and makes me joyful about where I’ve still to go.
- A bucolic evening looking out over the pasture in Iowa
- The horses convocate around the hay and share their gossip
- A cold West Main Wheat Ale from Big Grove in Iowa City hits the spot