It was a year that slammed right into me and wouldn’t let go.
With the loss of my role at the magazine in a sudden shock in February, I pivoted quickly to relaunching my media agency. With that moving ahead full steam, we were struck by tragedy in May, with a loss of life that stunned us and took away a beloved pup.
The therapy has included a lot of running, a lot of visualization, a lot of meditation… and a handful of judiciously placed brews that kept my spirits up and boosted my creativity when the stores ran very, very low.
I left untapped a couple of years ago, so I have no ratings, but looking back through my IG account (@beerforstrangeclimates) I can readily identify these 19 that were my favorites. Some are new versions of old friends, and some are just new friends brewed by old friends.
Enjoy the gallery, and visit my IG for the details. I vow that 2025 will bring more posts to this site, but that’s based on my own belief that the sun will continue to rise and shine upon us. We’ll need that beer to fuel our resistance.

See you on the journey in 2025, with the craft beer that sustains us.