Almost to the day, we came here last year.
It was still in the dregs of the pandemic, with just one year of survival behind us. We’d met up at a rest stop during January 2021 with friends for a quick open-air meet up on the border with PA, and snuck over to Brewery Fire strategically for lunch, since they promised a BBQ food truck and lots of nifty, well-named (and well-made) beers.

We chose well! The intimate taproom had a metal vibe, with a streak of firefighter about it (hence the name). And the ability to have hard cider sold S on their greatness–as well as the Pinky’s BBQ pulled pork sammich with mac & cheese as a *topping.* FIRE.
I had a Black IPA (always a favorite style, blending roasty malts and tropical hops) as well as the soon-to-be-famous Short Dead Dude NEIPA.

We took home a four-pack of Tammy IPA, as well as some Pentitent Pils. Good times were had by all.
So as January 2022 hit with its deep freeze and snowy ground, we made a strategic charge over the ridge to hike with Captain BIlly in the snow.

And we noticed that Pinky’s was back at Brewery Fire, and we hadn’t had a chance to be in their neighborhood since Tryanuary 2021. Yikes.
This time, flights were back on stage, and I tried the Jake Ryan Red (Porsche) IPA (of course) plus the Dandalorian Brown Ale, Executionatorizer Triple IPA, and (the best name ever, and in honor of Norm McDonald) A Moth Goes Into a Podiatrist’s Office Impy Russian stout.

S had a cider and a pulled pork sammich, I had beautious birria pork tacos. In fact, I ordered a Juicy Brut: Strawberry to go with the tacos and it made a nice pairing. Yum. We took a mixed four-pack and a couple of bottles to go that we’ll talk about later, I’m sure. We’ll be back.